Friday, April 2, 2010

/nor New Ohio Review

/nor (new ohio review)
English Dept. / 360 Ellis Hall
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (740) 597-1360

new ohio review reads selections year round for subscribers, and from September to May for nonsubscribers. It is edited by the Creative Writing Department at Ohio University and was founded in 2007. The journal is published twice a year. nor accepts submissions in fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Their goal it appears is to publish work that captures a way at looking at things differently. Other than that, there are no clear unifying themes of the works selected for the journal. E-mail submissions are not accepted, but writers are paid for their work, if it is chosen.

As a journal it is respectable because Ohio University has several award-winning writers on faculty, coupled with the fact that their Creative Writing program is highly thought of.
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