c/o Carolyn Harris Zukowski
Po Vodě 55
Český Krumlov, Czech Republic 3810
Literary Bohemian began publishing poetry, short prose, and longer prose in November of 2008 centered on traveling. The goal of Literary Bohemian is to "transport the reader elsewhere." The poems selected assist in the goal as they all do take the reader to the location written about by the writer. I found the published work respectable in that it succeeds in transporting the reader, but also because the work selected covers all aspects of traveling. There are travelogues that read like diaries, and others that compare a visited city to the writer's home. The journal captures all the happiness, joy and wonder of traveling.
Submission guidelines are simple, poems of no more than 100 lines, post card prose, 300 words or less, and travelogues are to be no more than 1200 words. Certain restrictions do apply. A list of 11 words may not be used in a travelogue unless the intention is to create irony. The journal is selective, as only 5% of poetry, and 2% of prose are selected for publication. Also, a work will not be accepted if it is on another blog or website.
The journal is entirely online and can be subscribed to via an RSS feed or by e-mail.
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