Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In Garcia Lorca's "Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias" the repetition of word and image create a rythm, passing of time, and a sense of the sacred. It investigates the connections between the physical and the sacred in a way that illustrates a distinct progression of time.

The repetition of "las cinco en la tarde" throughout the first part of the poem "La cogida y la muerte" creates a rythm that grounds the reader in a scene that is both incorporeal and illusive. The use of images and abstractions throughout the poem, the pendulum like transition back and forth between the two throughout the poem helps enforce this rythm. The rythm, once established, helps to create an atmosphere to approaches the sacred. It becomes prayer like, a sort of sacred chant to commemorate the dead man.

The connection between the physical and the sacred- the transition from one to the other is marked in this airy, illusory space between the two places. The idea of transition is also reflected in the titles of each section.
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