Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday; An Art Project

Tuesday; An Art Project is an independent literary journal that published biannually. Tuesday is very keen on letter pressing it artists’ works on to individual note cards. Tuesday accepts submissions of poetry, art and photography. As far as aesthetics are concerned the editors only ask for “your favorite poems. What else could we ask for?” Reading through the journal Tuesday is varied in the type of poems they take, there is no one type of poem that they take. Some of the poetry is experimental, others are prose, free verse, ekphrastic, etc. As far as submission guidelines are concerned Tuesday requires the following: 5 unpublished poems, in most cases no longer that 70 lines, must be submitted as a word document or RTF with name and poems (alechugapoems.doc) with a footer on each page with name and contact information. The link to submit is or if you wish to contact them by mail:
Tuesday; An Art Project
P.O. Box 1074
Arlington, MA 02474
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